Purchase Performance Rights
By paying the royalty fee listed below, the author, Paula Hilton, is granting performance rights to the selected play(s), with the following conditions:

1. I understand that the play(s) selected is fully protected under all domestic and international copyright laws, and I will not copy or distribute this play for any purposes other than the purpose of production covered by this contract.
2. Upon receipt of the indicated script royalty fee, the author, Paula Hilton, gives permission to make changes only for the purpose of enhancing the production covered by this contract.
3. I understand permission is given to reproduce this play and all related handouts for the purpose of production covered by this contract.
4. I understand permission is not given to change the name of the play, add or delete characters, change the nature, motive, purpose or any pertinent facts or dialog related to production covered by this contract.
5. I understand the author's name, Paula Hilton, must appear in all programs, publicity and advertising material as the original author of the play.
6. I agree to pay the author, Paula Hilton, $50 (plus PayPal fees) for each performance of this play. I will do this by selecting the "Add to Cart" button below. I understand I do not need a PayPal account and can specify a credit card for payment. Quantity (number of performance) can be modified from the PayPal page.
7. I agree to pay the author, Paula Hilton, $50 (plus PayPal fees) for every subsequent performance of this play within two weeks (14 days) of the final performance. This can be done via check or via the "Add to Cart" button below.
8. Scripts will not be furnished to any performance group in the Act4Mystery performance area. I understand if I pay for a script but am within this area, the royalty fee will be returned. Further, I understand if the royalty fee is returned and I perform the play without permission, legal action will be initiated.
9. Other than the condition listed above, all payments are non-refundable.
10. I agree to list all performance dates planned for the selected play.
11. Upon receipt of payment, Paula Hilton, the author, agrees to e-mail, in PDF format, the handouts needed for the production of the play.