VIP Package Descriptions
Act4Mystery offers VIP packages to celebrate those special occasions when going out to dinner and a show just isn't enough! These special gifts just add to the murderous fun!

Check out our Act4Mystery VIP packages below. To purchase, select the "Buy a VIP" button at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to our "Reservation and VIP Packages" page where you will select the VIP package you'd like to purchase, and will make payment. On show night, your merchandise will be delivered to you with flair - you know how actors are! (The price listed is for the merchandise only - the cost of the dinner and show is separate and will be billed on show night.)

The Expert Eyewitness VIP Package includes a 100% cotton T-Shirt or Tank Top, ceremic coffee mug and a mini-notepad.

The Eyewitness Celebration VIP Package includes a 100% cotton T-Shirt or Tank Top, ceremic coffee mug, a mini-notepad, and a small box of deluxe chocolates.

The Expert Eyewitness VIP Package includes a 100% cotton T-Shirt or Tank Top, ceremic coffee mug, a mini-notepad, 3 golf balls, 9 tees and a golf towel.

The Eyewitness Celebration VIP Package includes a 100% cotton T-Shirt or Tank Top, ceremic coffee mug, a mini-notepad, a small box of deluxe chocolates and a handcrafted (artificial) eternal rose.
Select your VIP Package:

Shirt Type:

Shirt Size:

Celebration type: